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Accessibility Statement for Visit Kalix

Kalix Municipality is responsible for this website and we would like to make it accessible to as many people as possible. In this document we describe how the website Visit Kalix complies with the Accessibility to Digital Public Services Act (2018:1937), potential accessibility problems and how you can report any issues to us so that we can do our best to resolve them.

How accessible is the website?

We are aware that parts of the website are not fully accessible. See the section on inaccessible content below for more information.

What can you do if you are unable to access certain parts of the website?

 If you would like to access content that is not accessible to you and not covered by the ADPS Act, please contact us. The response time is two working days.

You can contact us in the following ways:

Send an email to:

Call Kalix municipality: 0923-650 00

Report accessibility issues

We are constantly striving to improve the accessibility of our website. If you notice problems that are not described on this page, or if you believe that we are not complying with legal requirements, please let us know.

Monitoring and Regulation

The Agency for Digital Government is responsible for ensuring that the website is accessible in accordance with the ADPS Act. If you are unsatisfied with how we handle your comments or requests, you can contact the Agency for Digital Government.

Technical Information Regarding Website Accessibility

This website is only partially compliant with the ADPS Act, due to the shortcomings described below.

Inaccessible content

The content listed below is in some way not accessible and hence not fully in compliance with the ADPS Act.

The maps on the website provided by Google Maps are not fully in compliance with the ADPS Act.

Website content added via iframes might not comply with the accessibility requirements.

There might be shortcomings concerning accessibility in content added via the plugin for forms on the website.

  • There is no label for the uploading files field.
  • Type should not be included in the script tag when using JS for Gravityforms.
  • <style> element not placed in head from Gravityforms.
  • We have information about events and news feeds from various organizations that are automatically retrieved from social media via so-called third-party widgets. We are aware that these have room for improvement in terms of accessibility, but without them, the page would require extensive manual work, which is not feasible with our current organization.

Films and other material added via embed codes might have shortcomings concerning accessibility.

Content not covered by the ADPS Act

The content described here is not fully accessible and is exempted from the ADPS Act (9 §). The accessibility regulations only apply to maps on the internet intended for navigation and not maps used for the purpose of providing inspiration.

We are continuously working on making the website more accessible.

How we assessed the website

Accessibility for the websites and has been assessed several times using a third party tool.

The most recent assessment was carried out on 2 April 2024.

Publication date of the website: 4 April 2024.

The most recent update of this Accessibility Statement: 2 April 2024.