Skärgårdsudden, Nyborg
Welcome to Kalix. Welcome home!
Here, in the heart of Norrbotten’s coastal region, we are convinced that you will quickly feel right at home. Whether you live in the town centre or in one of our vibrant, lively villages, you will experience the closeness that makes Kalix unique. You will suddenly find that you are close to your place of work, the archipelago, friends, schools, restaurants, family, leisure, nature, shopping and entertainment. And, in the unlikely event that you want to leave Kalix for a while, you will find that you are also close to the rest of Sweden and even the world.
Basically, Kalix living is good living!
Do like Kicki, find your dream home in Kalix
Would you like sea views from the kitchen window of your town centre apartment? A country home with a paddock for horses? Would you prefer a place where you can take the boat to work? Maybe you have always dreamt of renovating your own home or designing a brand new home from scratch. Welcome to a property market where you can often find what you are looking for and have money to spare. In Kalix your house dreams just might come true.
It is often more cost-efficient to buy rather than rent and there are a number of affordable houses in a range of locations. Feel free to contact our Relocation Guide Sanna Wallma to find out more.
Kristina “Kicki” Wikholm moved from Stockholm to Siknäs in Kalix. Watch this short clip to find out what Kicki likes best about life in Kalix and how she built her dream home.
Rent or buy, house or apartment?
Here are some of our best suggestions if you would like to find out more about rentals, housing and real estate in Kalix.
Blocket bostad
Real estate agents
Enboms fastighetsbyrå
Fastighetsmäklare HusmanHagberg
Fastighetsbyrån Swedbank

Housing companies
Hemåt fastigheter
HSB Oden
Jimmy Andersson Fastigheter
17 lägenheter i Gammelgården, ca 6 km från Kalix centralort.
Telefonnummer: 070-316 00 20
E-post: perfect-security@hotmail.com
Kalix kommun – Tor 8
Nordixa Fastigheter
Rawi Fastighets AB
Sandlunds Fastigheter AB
Törebostäder AB
46 lägenheter i Töre 25 kilometer söder om Kalix centralort
Telefonnummer: 070-316 00 20
E-post: perfect-security@hotmail.com
Östlings fastighetsbolag i Norrbotten AB
4 lägenheter i Kalix centralort
Telefonnummer: 076-106 94 13
E-post: martinostling_86@hotmail.com
Senior housing and assisted living
Fastigheten Månstrimman AB – Trygghetsboende i Töre, 25 kilometer söder om Kalix centralort.
Tallkronan – Kalix Kommun