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Person som plockar blåbär i blåbärsskogen.

Picking blueberries in Bondersbyn.

Aliz's Top 5 Favorites About Kalix

Growing up in Kalix, I’ve played in snowdrifts, learned to ski, and made friends. Soon, I’ll graduate, and in Kalix, I have all the opportunities to continue studying, work, and combine it with a spare time that suits me. This is where I want to stay!

Here are my top 5 things about Kalix:

1. Outdoor life

Something that is close to my heart is outdoor life. Ever since I was little, I’ve been skiing with my family—both downhill and cross-country—hiking, and doing many other outdoor activities. Home has always been near the ski trails, the forest, and the hills. While I almost take it for granted, I also know that a place without these opportunities could never truly be my home.

2. Community

Community exists everywhere. For me, it’s found within my family, among friends, in community organizations, at school, and at work. Building connections has never been difficult, and having all these people around me creates a sense of security and endless possibilities. I believe that these individuals contribute to my personal growth every day.

3. Accessibility

As a person, I’m driven and forward-thinking—always excited about new experiences. One thing I greatly appreciate is the proximity to everything. Even though Kalix is relatively small I never feel like things are too far away. Distance is never a problem for the things I want to do. The closeness ensures that I never feel restricted.

4. Spare time

With new things happening, the closeness to nature, the tranquility, and the opportunity to spend time with friends, the place comes alive—for me, at least. Personally, I enjoy spending an hour at the gym or in a swimming pool. There are plenty of other activities to explore, and trying, seeing, and learning new things is incredibly inspiring.

5. Nature

I appreciate the view from my window and the memories associated with nature. When I look outside, I see my grandfather picking berries, my mother cooking over an open fire, and my father fishing by the riverbank. It’s here, surrounded by this beautiful natural environment, that my love for the outdoors grew.

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