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Töre skola


Our vision is to provide the best schools and preschools in the country. Many of the smaller villages in our municipality have their own local schools and preschools, and our high school offers a wide selection of programmes. We also have after school recreation centres, a special needs school, education for adults, distance learning at university level, a culture and arts school and a folk high school whose list of graduates includes some of Sweden’s most famous journalists and tv-personalities. Luleå University of Technology is also within commuting distance.

We work continuously to ensure that all children and pupils receive the same high quality education delivered in a safe and welcoming environment.

Djuptjärns förskola

Preschool should be fun, safe and educational

Preschool is for children aged 1 to 6 years while parents are working or studying and all children have the right to attend preschool free of charge for 525 hours per year, starting from the autumn semester of the year the child turns three.

Our preschools provide an educational environment with engaged and highly trained staff. They are designed to be fun, safe and educational with a focus on learning by playing, creating and exploring – individually, in groups and together with adults. It is important to us that both children and parents are happy with how our preschools are run and operated.

There are preschools in Sangis, Nyborg/Ytterbyn, Gammelgården, Töre, Pålänge, Bondersbyn and on several locations in central Kalix.

For more information about our preschools visit

Quality education in central Kalix and surrounding villages

Kalix Municipality prides itself on having one of the highest teacher-pupil ratios in the country and on high levels of academic attainment. There are eight municipal elementary schools and one independent school in our municipal area, each with its own individual profile. All our school facilities are of a high standard and many are newly renovated.

Parents and caregivers are free to choose which school they would like their child to attend and most attend the school closest to where they live. Elementary schools and high schools are all free of charge including a daily cooked lunch, books and any other materials your child needs.

All of our schools offer safe activity-friendly indoor and outdoor environments with play areas, sports fields and green areas as well as being close to nature.

For more information about our elementary and high schools visit
Barn leker och åker pulka i backen en solig dag.
Elever vid Samhällsprogrammet Media på Furuhedsskolan är ute på en inspelning med kameror på stativ.

A wide range of upper secondary programmes

Our upper secondary school is called Furuhedsskolan and is located in central Kalix. It offers a wide range of programmes from practical vocational courses to those designed to prepare students for studies at university level.

For more information about Furuhedsskolan visit

Education tailored to suit pupils with special needs

For children and young people who are not able to fulfil the knowledge requirements for elementary or upper secondary school due to an intellectual disability we offer a tailored school form. This school form is adapted to suit the needs of each individual pupil.

Barn på en skolgård vit av snö. Snö faller från himlen och gör barnen suddiga.
Unga vuxna pluggar tillsammans och ser glada ut.

Adult education to help you reach your goals

Our municipal Adult Education Centre offers a broad selection of courses and training. The range of courses available is based on the needs of the labour market and our mission is to provide you with the support you need to reach your education and training goals. Here you can study towards high school equivalency, take courses that prepare you for further studies, do vocational training and study Swedish. You can also book a consultation with our study and career advisors to discuss your work and study opportunities and possibilities.

For more information about our elementary and high schools visit

A virtual visit

Pay our schools a virtual visit and see what daily life is like for our pupils and teachers.

See more and follow us on Facebook Utbildning Kalix

More information about the Swedish school system

The National Agency for Education is the government authority responsible for steering and supporting Swedish preschools, schools and adult education centres. The agency has developed a guide to help parents, pupils and students who would like to know more about more when choosing a preschool, school or a particular course of study or training. The guide is available in a number of languages.

The National Agency for Education study guide is available at