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Kristina Wikholm

Kicki and Lichie on a bridge in Siknäs.

Kicki's Best Reasons for Living in Kalix

Nearly five years ago, I decided to move from Stockholm to a village in the Kalix municipality, along with my dog. And it’s the best decision I’ve ever made.

Below, I list my top three reasons for moving to Kalix – and why I’ve chosen to stay.

En Kalix-flaska och en kåsa på en klippa en solig höstdag.

1. The seasons

Real seasons! Summer with its midnight sun. I am amazed every year by the light. Watching the sun dip only to rise again within an hour is incredible. Life feels so much simpler in some way. Going for a walk towards a late-night swim at 11:30 PM with the sun in your face feels both safe and fantastic.

Then summer turns into autumn, bringing all the vibrant colors and cooler, fresher air. It’s time to pick blueberries, lingonberries, and mushrooms. It gets darker, I won’t deny that.

Late autumn and early winter are dark. But I love it! It’s the time for coziness. Warm stews with the mushrooms you’ve picked yourself. Lighting candles, firing up the stove for both warmth and the crackling sound. Settling down on the couch with a good book, or sitting and doing a puzzle while listening to an audiobook. It’s so cozy! And it’s not completely dark. Make the most of the daylight hours there are, and go out in the evening to watch the northern lights dance. When the snow falls, it lights up more than you might think.

But then comes my favorite, spring winter! Our fifth season. When days get longer, the sun warms but it’s still chilly at night so the snow stays. Walking on the ice of the Kalix River, feeling the sun’s warmth. Packing the snowmobile with coffee, grilled sausages, and drinks for an adventure. The archipelago and, for me, the lakes in Siknäs become meeting spots for children, youth, adults, and the elderly during this time. There’s grilling, ice fishing, snowracing (sledding) behind snowmobiles, dogs playing, and you can sit in a T-shirt even though you’re surrounded by snow and ice.

Then comes spring, things start to green, birds chirp more, and thoughts turn to gardening, swimming, barbecue evenings, and bright nights. There’s something wonderful in all our seasons here in Kalix in northern Sweden.

Kicki och Lichie springer över en gräsmatta i Siknäs.

2. Village life

It might sound unexpected, but I feel so much more social here. In the apartment where I previously lived, we barely said hello to neighbors, had no idea who lived in the block, and everything in Stockholm felt like it cost money. Here, you wave and say hello to everyone. You can spontaneously stop by someone for a coffee, chat for 20 minutes, and then head home. People are more open, and there’s a different closeness to everyone.

We also have music evenings, village dinners, harbor parties, and all sorts of things throughout the year. Age doesn’t matter. At these events, everyone comes; children, youth, adults, the elderly – and everyone mingles. I love it.

Then, everyone is so incredibly helpful. If you get stuck in the snow, someone is ready to come to the rescue just a phone call away. Or like when we had bought our boat and it suddenly stopped a bit out at sea, someone in the village saw us through binoculars, and took their own boat out to ask if we needed help – which we did. Then, maybe someone should have warned me that buying a half a bull calf is quite a lot of meat.. But then I at least got to borrow space in a village neighbor’s freezer.

Vy över Töre med omnejd, uppifrån. Gröna ängar och skogar och blått hav.

3. Proximity

Proximity to the center

Up here, we talk distances instead of time. It’s just over thirty kilometers to my work, but it only takes me 30 minutes. I’ve never seen a traffic jam, and it took longer to navigate a few kilometers in Stockholm, both by car and public transport. Then, we have everything. Kalix has, besides jobs, a wide array of cultural and entertainment options. Several restaurants, cafes, a cinema, performances, good shopping options (and UNIQUE shopping options, not just chains!). During the summer, farm shops in the villages open, along with other events. Then of course, a hospital, health center, good grocery stores, and everything needed for living. Not least, we have one of Sweden’s best animal clinics here! That’s important for me as I live with a dog as my housemate.

Proximity to nature

Within a few minutes, I can be in the blueberry forest, walk along meadows, take a swim in both the sea and lakes, or cycle on paved roads. I also have a ski track right below my property, though I don’t do cross-country skiing but it’s on my to-do list. It’s enthusiasts who set up both ski and snowmobile tracks during winter so we can enjoy nature even then.

Proximity to other places

Within an hour, I can be in Luleå to watch hockey games and see my favorite hockey team (Luleå Hockey) play. Or attend larger concerts, stand-up shows, or just experience a slightly larger city than Kalix. Within an hour, I can also be in Boden, Överkalix, Haparanda, and even in Finland. That’s cool. Then, I always want to quickly return to Siknäs and Kalix – but having the option for a change of scenery is important.

Proximity to Stockholm

Kalix is roughly 1000 kilometers from Stockholm. But here, we have two international airports within an hour’s drive that can take you to many places in Sweden – and abroad if you wish. I still have friends in Stockholm, since I grew up there, and it’s quick to get there! And also for those who want to come and visit. An hour to the airport, an hour on the plane, and then just under an hour more and I’m in Stockholm.

Then a little extra, we have fiber in the villages. For me, with my interest in gaming, this was also a decisive detail. Raiding in World of Warcraft with my friends who live scattered around Sweden (and the world) is no problem. This makes it easier to work from home for jobs that allow it.

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