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En barnfamilj på promenad i tallskogen en solig dag.

Are you interested in moving to Kalix?

Here, in the heart of Norrbotten’s coastal region, we are convinced that you will quickly feel right at home. Whether you live in the town centre or in one of our vibrant, lively villages, you will experience the closeness that makes Kalix unique. You will suddenly find that you are close to your place of work, the archipelago, friends, schools, restaurants, family, leisure, nature, shopping and entertainment. And, in the unlikely event that you want to leave Kalix for a while, you will find that you are also close to the rest of Sweden and even the world.

Basically, Kalix living is good living!

In Kalix, a more balanced lifestyle is closer than ever. As Sweden’s leading outdoor municipality, Kalix offers genuine opportunities to pursue a wide range of leisure activities and add something extra to everyday life.

This material is produced as part of the North Sweden Green Deal project financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

Your dream home is right here

In Kalix your dream home is probably closer than you ever imagined. Choose from fantastic locations close to the water or cosy country living in one of the surrounding villages. Whether you are looking to rent or buy, for a house or an apartment, welcome to a property market where you are likely to find what you are looking for and have money to spare.

Sanne and Karan and their two children moved from Belgium to Kalix to be able to spend more quality time together and live closer to nature. Watch the clip to find out more about their choice and their new life in Kalix.

For more information visit Find your dream home

Leisure, sport, culture and entertainment

We are proud to consistently be recognised as one of the best outdoor municipalities in the region and country – but with our spectacular location, scenery and natural surroundings, we are not at all surprised. In Kalix you can explore hiking trails, kayak on our beautiful river – one of only four National rivers in Sweden – or simply enjoy a relaxing day in the forest. All year round you can enjoy concerts, exhibitions and a wide range of events.

In Kalix we are also proud of our thriving community of clubs and associations. Whether you are interested in sports, the arts or simply spending time outdoors, you are likely to find a group of like-minded people who share your interests.

Find out more about leisure, sport, culture and entertainment in Kalix
Två glas och Kalix Löjrom på tunnbröd utomhus i solnedgången.
Ung kvinna på väg ut ur en butik med papperspåsar i händerna.

Job opportunities abound

From small highly-specialised tech companies to large national suppliers of everyday goods and services, Kalix has a uniquely diverse local economy similar to that of much larger cities. This exceptional breadth and variation means that we have a labour market in need of a vast array of competencies and all levels of experience.

Kalix is home to several independent interior design and fashion stores, an art gallery, a world class ski stadium and one of Sweden’s few independent cinemas, as well as a selection of restaurants and cafés. Here you will also find Sweden’s northernmost gin distillery, local producers of bread and meat as well as delicacies such as cheese, chocolate and the world famous Kalix Löjrom (Kalix bleak roe).

For more information visit Work in Kalix

From preschool to university and everything in between

There are a number of schools and preschools to choose from and Kalix Municipality is committed to making sure we provide the best schools and preschools in the country. The Adult Education Centre provides adult education at all levels from high school equivalency to vocational training and university level courses. Our community college has a proud tradition of training some of Sweden’s most prominent journalists.

Find out more about education in Kalix
Barn på en skolgård vit av snö. Snö faller från himlen och gör barnen suddiga.

Would you like to move to Kalix too? I’m here to help.

Sanna Wallma
+46 76 833 85 25

Relocation service

Where exactly is Kalix?

Kalix is where the Kalix River meets the Bay of Bothnia and home to Sweden’s northernmost archipelago. Two international airports within 45 minutes drive, two European highways and train and bus connections make it easy to get here – the people and scenery make it difficult to ever leave.

karta över norden med Kalix utmärkt längst inne i Bottenviken.